Question: What platforms are supported?
Answer: The following platforms are supported: Microsoft Windows 2003, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows 7 – 10. Use with Windows 95, 98 and ME is supported only for version 1.5 but not recommended due to numerous bugs and limitations. If you use Windows XP, it is strictly recommended to install Service Pack 1a or higher.
Answer: The following platforms are supported: Microsoft Windows 2003, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows 7 – 10. Use with Windows 95, 98 and ME is supported only for version 1.5 but not recommended due to numerous bugs and limitations. If you use Windows XP, it is strictly recommended to install Service Pack 1a or higher.
Question: What types of spatial data are viewable in Christine-GIS ver. 1.5?
Answer: Christine can display both vector and raster data. Supported vector format: ESRI shapefile -.shp. Supported image formats include: Tag Image File Format -.tif,tiff; Joint Photographic Experts Group -.jpg,jpeg; Windows Bitmap -.bmp. You can also organize these vector and raster data in spatial data source catalog -.dbf.
Answer: Christine can display both vector and raster data. Supported vector format: ESRI shapefile -.shp. Supported image formats include: Tag Image File Format -.tif,tiff; Joint Photographic Experts Group -.jpg,jpeg; Windows Bitmap -.bmp. You can also organize these vector and raster data in spatial data source catalog -.dbf.
Question: Is Christine developed using ESRI® MapObjects™?
Answer: No, Christine-GIS is original software. We do not use ESRI® MapObjects™ or similar product.
Answer: No, Christine-GIS is original software. We do not use ESRI® MapObjects™ or similar product.
Question: Can I print better maps?
Answer: Starting Christine-GIS version 3.0 you can print map composition from new document – Layout. In this document you can combine maps, tables, carthographic symbols like scale bar and north arrow, images and graphic primitives.
Answer: Starting Christine-GIS version 3.0 you can print map composition from new document – Layout. In this document you can combine maps, tables, carthographic symbols like scale bar and north arrow, images and graphic primitives.
Question: What is saved in the .cri file?
Answer: The Christine project file (.cri) saves references to the data added to your maps and tables as well as information related to display of this data and of course source codes of your scripts.
Answer: The Christine project file (.cri) saves references to the data added to your maps and tables as well as information related to display of this data and of course source codes of your scripts.
Question: Can I customize GUI of Christine?
Answer: No. Christine does not provide a means for user customization of GUI.
Answer: No. Christine does not provide a means for user customization of GUI.
Question: Why do I get an error message “Cannot open a shapefile.” when I try to open a project file I saved?
Answer: The primary cause of this error is that the project file specifies path to a data source that does not exist. You can open the project file using any standard text editor to change the path to the correct location. If you do this and error still exist, data source is corrupted.
Answer: The primary cause of this error is that the project file specifies path to a data source that does not exist. You can open the project file using any standard text editor to change the path to the correct location. If you do this and error still exist, data source is corrupted.
Question: Why does the scale window greyed and inactive?
Answer: To display a scale you must first tell Christine what units your data is in. This can be accomplished by selecting “Properties” from the View menu and choosing on the correct units.
Answer: To display a scale you must first tell Christine what units your data is in. This can be accomplished by selecting “Properties” from the View menu and choosing on the correct units.
Question: Will I be notified of Christine upgrades?
Answer: If you are a registered user of Christine you will be notified about all updates and upgrades, new samples and known bugs.
Answer: If you are a registered user of Christine you will be notified about all updates and upgrades, new samples and known bugs.
Question: How can I show my own tips of the day?
Answer: Backup file christine.tip in installation directory and than create new text file christine.tip in this directory. Each line in this file is one tip. Maximum length of each tip is 320 characters. After this reset value of key HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Christine-GIS/1.5/Tip/FilePos in Windows registry.
Answer: Backup file christine.tip in installation directory and than create new text file christine.tip in this directory. Each line in this file is one tip. Maximum length of each tip is 320 characters. After this reset value of key HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Christine-GIS/1.5/Tip/FilePos in Windows registry.
Question: Will be Christine made open source?
Answer: No, Christine will not be open source software.
Answer: No, Christine will not be open source software.