
Title:Change absolute paths in data source catalog to relative
Description:Use the source code in Field Calculator dialog to change paths stored in IMAGE field
Author:Christine-GIS TeamType:Source Code
Published:October 26, 2004Language:English
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Title:Using field calculator
Description:A few useful information about Field Calculator, including several samples.
Author:Christine-GIS TeamType:Article
Published:August 1, 2005Language:English
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Title:Distributing your maps on CD
Description:This article describes how you can distribute your maps on CD using Christine-GIS Viewer.
Author:Christine-GIS TeamType:Article
Published:August 6, 2005Language:English
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Title:Open Shapefiles from Windows Explorer
Description:Article describes how to associate shapefile with Christine-GIS.
Author:Christine-GIS TeamType:Article
Published:December 17, 2012Language:English
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